I grew up in a church that believed in and taught holiness. It permeated everything. Music, Sunday School, sermons, devotionals, and every conversation that was had. I was fully aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit from a very young age before I fully comprehended just how powerful a presence He truly could be in my life.
It was something I took for granted although I had no idea I was taking it for granted. It is kind of like air. You breathe, but you don't think about it. However, I am sure if the oxygen was suddenly gone you would definitely notice it.
A few years ago my boys and I started attending a new church. It isn't in the same denomination as we grew up in, but we felt good about the teachings and beliefs. However, gradually I have realized that something was missing. I couldn't breathe. "Oxygen" was low.
The permeation of the teaching of the Holy Spirit just hasn't been there. It has been the nagging frustration. The thing I couldn't put my finger on.
I love what Francis Chan says, "“God is not just one thing we add to the mix called life. He wants an
invitation from us to permeate everything and every part of us.”
Now I sit and wonder. Have I been irresponsible as a parent picking a church that hasn't given them this same constant teaching on the Holy Spirit and failing to recognize it as I grew up with?