It was an innocent conversation. Really just a few comments said in passing. My son was telling about how and his friend were talking about all the things their parents wouldn't let them do growing up. However, what it really boiled down to was the things I didn't let him do when he was little. His friends started listing things and Todd said, "Nope, my parents didn't let me do that."
After he left the room I started thinking through the list of things I had "deprived" him of growing up. If we had another child right now would I let them do those things? No. My mind hadn't changed. I still feel the same way. Movies, books, video games, television shows, etc... we were careful with what they were exposed to when they were little. We wanted them to learn to discern. To have the wisdom to see things with a Biblical worldview. All of those things took age and discernment to decide when they were ready.
In all likelihood my son may let his kids do some of the things we didn't let him do. If so, that is his decision. I know that my husband and I have chosen to do things differently than our parents.
However, my heart is content knowing that we follows His lead in raising our boys in the way He led us.
"Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night." Psalm 1:1-2