Friday, February 25, 2011

On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand

This is been quite a week. 1 Kings 20 says that "The God of the mountain is still the God of the valley." This week has once again proven to me that Scripture is so true. Not that I doubted it because I believe that if it is in the Bible then God said it then it is true. However, I have definitely lived both mountain top and valley moments this week.

What was originally planned to be a fun week visiting with my parents and playing with my sweet twin nieces changed when my Daddy let us know last Sunday that his sister/my aunt had died.     My Aunt Sarah had been very sick for quite a while so it was not a surprise, but it is always hard to lose a member of your family.

My baby sister cancelled her business trip and my middle sister took off work so that we could all be there with my parents and go to the funeral together. 

My Aunt was a very sweet lady.    She was tall and thin and was always smiling.    I can remember her laugh.    She thought my Daddy was so funny and laughed at everything he said.     Me too!     She and my uncle were married for 46 years and dated for 3 year before that.    They loved to ride motorcycles and would take long trips often on a whim.     Apparently she was very spontaneous.    Hmmm... I definitely didn't get that family trait.    She had a tender heart for the underdog.    Whether it was literally an animal or a person, if they looked lost she took them in.     There were a lot of teens at the funeral who had adopted her as their "mom".

While we were at home we found out that the Dad of one of our homeschooling families had been killed in a car wreck and the son of one of the boys I went to high school with was killed also.     It was a very tough week.    My heart still hurts.

Driving home yesterday this song was on the radio.   I love it.    It reminds me of what I know in my heart to be true...

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand.    
All other ground is sinking sand.
I will not be moved.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Oh Deanna. What a heartbreaking week. I don't know why sometimes everything comes at us at once. Thank God He is our Solid Rock.

Love you.