Thursday, December 31, 2009
10 Years Ago...
... Big Guy was only 2 years old and Little Guy was still a future dream!
... We had just spent our entire Christmas moving from our little tiny house to our new house. We were so excited about being only five minutes from hubs' work and having more than one bathroom.
... The best friends we have ever had still hadn't moved in next door to us.
... We were still driving 35 minutes one way back and forth to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night.
... We loved watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire".
... Was wondering what we would be doing 10 years from now!!
New Year's Eve Reflections
1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year? Our decision to homeschool. I have never seen our boys happier when it comes to learning.
2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened? Our decision to homeschool. Our boys have a love of learning and I want to challenge them. This definitely challenges me on a day to day basis.
3. What was an unexpected joy this past year? The arrival of my precious twin nieces
4. What was an unexpected obstacle? The constant day to day stress of hubs' job. Will he still have one tomorrow? So many pay cuts, changes and layoffs. We enter the New Year grateful for his job, but praying for God's guidance.
5. Pick three words to describe 2009. blessed, thankful, family
6. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe your 2009 (don’t ask them; guess based on how you think your spouse sees you). determined, busy, focused
7. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe their 2009 (again, without asking). blessed, stress, grateful
8. What were the best books you read this year? That is a tall order considering how many books I have read. At the top of the list are definitely the two books by Patti Lacy, An Irishwoman's Tale and What the Bayou Saw. I also loved the book Michal from the Wives of King David series.
9. With whom were your most valuable relationships? Without a doubt: God, Donald, Todd and Tanner
10. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year? A total lifestyle change. Going from involved PTO mom to stay at home homeschooling mom was quite a transition.
11. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally? The saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you strong." feels true in my life. A year ago, I felt like I was dying emotionally. However, God showed me that wasn't true.
12. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually? So many. God showed me that I had been reserving pieces of my heart hoping for things that are never going to happen. Once I turned those pieces of my heart over, He filled it with His love and healing.
13. In what way(s) did you grow physically? That is the problem... I grew physically!
14. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others? I learned a lot about who my friends are and who they are not. I stepped outside my comfort zone and got to know some people this year... meeting for lunch, coffee and just a coke.
15. What was the most enjoyable area of managing your home? I love cooking for my boys. I love doing things that spoil them in little ways: putting clean sheets on their bed very regularly, warming their towels in the dryer, making hot cocoa to tempt them out of bed in the morning and leaving notes on their pillows.
16. What was your most challenging area of home management? I get frustrated when my physical limitations get in the way of all I want to get done around my house.
17. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year? Facebook. I didn't truly comprehend how much time I was wasting on Facebook until I gave it up for our 40 day fast.
18. What was the best way you used your time this past year? Being a wife and mom
19. What was the biggest thing you learned this past year? No matter who walks out on you... God never will.
20. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2009 for you. "No matter what. No matter where. It is always home if love is there."
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Addicted to Blogging Tech
I find a blog I love and I click this button and have it fed directly to my Microsoft Outlook. I am telling you that it is email "crack"! I get updates from my favorite cooking sites, crafting sites, and art blogs.
What about Google Alerts?
Oh my heavens! When I was looking for a certain Christmas gift for Big Guy, I created a Google Alert with the gift item and the word "sale". Anytime that item went on sale, it sent me an email! Like my own personal shopper in my email. Right now I have a new Google alert created to help me find elementary art projects for our homeschool Terrific Tuesday class.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Painting For Humanity
When Little Guy got home his face was beaming. Mr. G told me "anytime that Little Guy can go help me I can use him. He works hard and is good at what he does." Mr. G had put Little Guy to work doing the "cutting in" around all the windows and wiring.
My sweet guy has a heart for others. Whether it is painting a Habitat House or raising money for orphans in South Africa, he is ready to help.
New Year's Tradition Part 2
One of our New Year's Eve traditions since we were married is to purchase a new devotional book to use for the following year. When our boys were born we began buying devotional books for them as well. We want to emphasize to them how important daily time with God is so that when the trials of life comes they are standing on the Solid Rock.
Because I review books for publishers, two of my devotional books were sent to me for preview for free this year.
The book my hubs and I will be using...
Big Guy is starting the year out with a combo...
You may never have to make the ultimate sacrifice, but you are called to daily give up something of this earthly existence to pursue the amazing life Jesus promises to His followers. Ryan Dobson shatters common misconceptions about dying to self, spelling out the realities of the deadly spiritual battle we all face, providing clear guidelines for making life-and-death choices daily and dealing with how to overcome the emotional struggles that accompany both failure and success.
Bite-sized Bible readings for time-starved teens! Here are 366 faith-building meditations to help your kids connect with God's Word every day. Through selections from the readable HCSB translation, they'll cover the central themes of Scripture in one year. Includes thoughtful quotes, biographical sketches of major Bible characters, "One-Minute Memory" verses, and a topical index.
Have you found a great devotional? Let me know!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
New Year's Tradition Part 1
I normally make my choice based on their current interest or hobby. A paper airplane, sticker-a-day and Boggle calendars for Little Guy. Baby Blues, Trivial Pursuit and Hangman calendars for Big Guy.
Then I go to my favorite bookstore to look and there about 247 choices! So many fun, fun choices. Well, most of them are fun... some of them are just crazy or out of the question.
However, I think I finally settled on some calendars which the boys will enjoy. They are both really hooked on games and especially word games so I chose the following calendars for them:
I also picked up this calendar. It won't really serve as a calendar per se, but I am going to put it in our car travel box. It will be a lot of fun when we are in the car or in restaurants.
Although I don't normally buy a calendar for myself, I picked up this one because it has features that really mean something to me now that I am homeschooling. Every day it has a new quote, new word, new joke, and new events in history. PLUS, it has a section where I can list my "to do's". I have a feeling this calendar is going to be one of my favorites for this year.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Why People Diet In January
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Homemade Christmas
Like so many, our finances are very tight this year. Hubs' job has taken some major hits. However, as always, God is so good to us. The boys and I have always enjoyed doing crafts together and being able to make crafts for our family is even more fun.
While we were cleaning out for our garage sale I found a stash of ornaments I bought last year to try to decorate for our family for this year. We have had a blast painting and decorating ornaments for our family.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Our Gingerbread Dream Houses
Because we use our houses as part of our Christmas display, we hot glue them together so that they will be sturdy. Don't worry.... there is PLENTY of candy to eat.
After the houses are assembled, the kids went to work. All four kids had their own approach and their own ideas. Personalities were definitely apparent!
After several hours of icing, decorating and creating, they finally proclaimed their houses finished.
Our friends loved making these gingerbread houses, but they were REALLY excited when we told them about our New Year's Eve tradition with the gingerbread houses. We stuff them full of fireworks and blow them up!
I am not sure if it was all the sugar they had eaten or just the thought of using explosives to destroy something... but all the kids were giddy at the promise of New Year's Eve!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
I Am A HUGE Fan of Acapella!
My two favorite groups from the beginning made it to the finals: Nota and Beelzebubs. They were AWESOME! I will definitely be buying their albums.
Congratulations, Nota! You did a GREAT job!!!
What Is Your Linus "Security Blanket"?
But do you notice that when he recites “Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy” from Luke 2:10, he lets it go?
What is your “security blanket”? Share about a time when it was hard to trust God to feel safe or strong.
Another Special Friendship
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Behind The Angel Tree

All I can say is.... WOW! The Angel Tree Toy Distribution Center works with an efficiency that would impress Santa and his elves. Organization and efficiency is the name of the game when you are trying to make sure that 14,040 children receive gifts for Christmas.
Your first stop is the check in table where you sign in as a volunteer. If you are a first timer, you receive a tour through the process. Otherwise, you go get started.
First stop.... pick up a family sheet with the name of "angels" on it. Each family has a code assigned to it.
Two.... Go to the section of the building with presents bought by community members and see if there is a bag with that code on it meaning that the child was adopted. If you find a bag, go to a station and open it to see what was purchased. If there is no bag, go to the shopping area to shop for the child.
Three... the family sheet tells you the child's requests. This helps you fill their requests. Because many families have more than one child it is important to make sure that the children get equal amounts. It is your job to see that this happens. The "store" allows you to shop to help even out gifts.
Four.... once you have rebagged, relabeled and tagged all the gifts, you put the bags back into the distribution slots and refile the family sheet with the word "complete" written across the sheet.
Did you know that Mississippi was named the most giving state last week? Standing in that distribution center last week I could see why.
As we stood at our stations, we were surrounded by other volunteers. Some were homeschool families like us. Some were Ridgeland Police officers on their lunch break. Some were Belhaven basketball players. All of us were there hoping to make Christmas better for some children.
Volunteering behind The Angel Tree... it is definitely going to be a new tradition at our house!
Friday, December 18, 2009
I Wish You Jesus
Best Buds
They have changed a lot since they were three. Now they are 12 and 13. When they get together they play video games and hide in their "man cave" (below). They wouldn't admit it, but they secretly love it when we deliver a tray of hot chocolate and popcorn to them. We have to be more creative now in the ways we spoil them. Respecting the young men they are becoming while trying to hold on to the little guys we want them to be.
But... always and forever these will be two special young men. Smart beyond what I think even they understand. A bright future that only God knows at this point. A two sets of parents who love each of them as their own.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Mystery of the Christmas Cookie
There are six bowls with six powders inside, but how do I know which is flour, sugar, baking powder, etc...? The boys set to work testing them with samples of water, iodine, heat and vinegar.
Their favorite part was testing each sample over the heat (candle flame)... What is it with boys and fire?
They carefully recorded their observations and results. (Dr. Wifey would be SO proud!)
Thanks to the boys, we figured out which bowls had the right powders in it so that we were able to make cookies! Case solved!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A Man of His Word

Moriah's heart will only be safe with A Man of His Word
When Moriah Byler married Levi Miller, she thought they would share a long life together. She is astonished when one day he abruptly leaves the Order, and her along with it. She is hopeful that they'll reconcile, but Levi has a fatal accident. Unbeknownst to him, Moriah is pregnant.
Moriah finds herself alone and unsure where to turn. She’s reticent about trusting her heart to anyone. What Moriah doesn’t know is that Levi’s twin, Gabriel, has loved her for years, but has kept this to himself. Gabriel is a man of his word--and a man of God’s word. After another unexpected tragedy, Moriah must learn to unguard her heart and accept his love so she can be made whole again.
Book Review: The Amish community is very fascinating to me. Their lifestyle. Their culture. Their approach to the Bible. It is a study in contrasts to me. After reading so many books on the Amish culture, I was fascinated to know what would happen in a situation like this.
Of course, there are some situations that are faced in pretty much the same way no matter what religion or culture you are in. Imagine how your life would crumble if your husband leaves for another woman and then is killed in a car accident. To add to the horror, you are pregnant with your first child.
Although I found some situations which would not actually happen in an Amish community, I though this was a wonderful book!
Tasting Christmas
LK scrunched her nose up like she wasn't so sure...
but MM said, "MMMMM!" and loved it immediately!
Christmas through the eyes of a child. Don't you love it??
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Who Is Better Than Santa?
But, anyway, let's just say when I hung up the phone and told the boys that Uncle Randy had just called to say he was going to be coming by the boys said, "How long?" They love it when he is here. So do I.
Little Guy wanted to do something special so he asked if he could make him a cake. How could I say no to that? He got a little frustrated when he realized he was going to have to present it to him in the cake pan. (He thought that was totally uncool.)
But, Uncle Randy was so sweet and appreciative that it didn't matter after a few minutes.
Besides.... after a few minutes a big chunk of it was gone. It was yummy!
A Few of our Favorite Things
1. Putting out the nativity collections
2. Putting up trees in the boy's rooms and the living room
3. Family Game Nights (right now we are playing: Yamslam, Pentago, Stare Jr., Picturecka, Scrabble Slam)
4. Preparing boxes for Operation Christmas Child
5. Sending out Christmas Cards
6. Going to Canton to see Lights on the Square
7. Baking Cookies
8. Make a Gingerbread House
9. Sitting in front of the fire with all the lights out except for the tree
10. Drinking lots of hot chocolate
11. Watching Santa Clause 1, 2, and 3
12. Watch Frosty the Snowman and make popcorn
13. Going to our church Christmas choir program
14. Buying an ornament that represents something that we did during the year
15. Wrap Christmas Gifts
16. Take Christmas gifts to teachers
17. Breakfast for Dinner
18. Buy food for the food pantry
19. Decorate yard with Dad
20. Read Favorite Christmas Stories (Jotham's Journey, Tabitha's Travels, Mary's First Christmas, etc...)
21. New Christmas pajamas
22. Buy a new Christmas CD
23. Advent devotionals each night before bed and lighting the candles on the advent wreath
24. Put away all the baby Jesus figures from the nativity scenes until Christmas morning
25. Having a birthday party for Jesus on Christmas morning including birthday cake
Monday, December 14, 2009
Under normal circumstances, sitting in a sanctuary that was as full as ours was yesterday would make me feel claustrophobic, but I was unaware of those around me. All I could think about was the blanket of God that seemed to settle down on me.
The orchestra began to play and I closed my eyes to just soak in His presence and allow myself to worship. All traces of makeup were washed away as I cried through the entire service.
I can only imagine the amount of work that went into preparing for yesterday's service. The hours of practice, prayer and work. All I know is that God was there and I was definitely standing on Holy Ground.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
How Do You Spell Friday Night?
Sitting in front of a fire.
Wrapped in a blanket watching a movie with my boys.
My cat curled on my lap sleeping.
A Mug of Hot Chocolate.
Lit candles and the twinkle of the Christmas tree.
Drifting off to sleep in the arms of my sweet husband.
Faithful Friends Who Are Dear to Us
I will mention that we went to see The Bethlehem Tree at the MS Museum of Art. It is an exhibit of more than 150 eighteenth century figures. It includes Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, the Three Wise Men, and tons of angels and towns people.
After walking through the museum, we visited the gift shop. Sharkbait found a poster of a piece of artwork that looked just like Little Guy when he was younger. My friend and I were stunned at how much it looked like him. We both agreed that it couldn't have been a closer match if we had actually asked someone to paint it.
If you get a chance, you should drop by and see The Bethlehem Tree. They did not charge us admission to the Museum to view this beautiful display.
MS Museum of Art Website:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Art Class

Our homeschool co-op has Terrific Tuesdays each month. I agreed to take a turn and teach an art class. As you can see from the picture above, I had a huge group of great kids ages kindergarten through 6th grade. We have a lot of amazing artists in our group, don't we?
Thanks, Bridget, for letting me borrow your paint brushes. You are such a wonderful friend. Thanks to you I had the confidence to do this class.