Sunday, April 5, 2009

Women With Children

There is nothing on television so hubs and I are watching "Celebrity Apprentice."     There are two teams and they have been assigned a task.   They meet with the corporate executives to find out about their consumers.    When asking about the typical person who buys their product they said 25 years and up with children.     One women said, "So your consumer are Moms?"    The corporate immediately said, "Not Moms.   Women with children.  There is a big difference.   Our consumers are a little on the edge."

Not Moms... JUST women with children.     How sad a statement is that?    I know a few women like that, but to think that there is an entire demographic out there who fit this mold just breaks my heart... for the kids.


Aunt Julie said...

I'm guessing the writers, directors, producers don't have families?

Dr. Wifey said...

it is sad, and i have seen my share of them (some up close and personal)

K Storm said...

Gosh...I guess "moms" is a 4 letter word in their world!

From the Doghouse said...


Sandi said...

Wait a minute. Was that what the executives in the room were suggesting, or were they trying to get the apprentices to think of this demographic as two groups within the group (i.e. women, and children, as in two groups of product types to sell to one demographic)?

I didn't see this episode, so I'm only guessing here. It's hard to imagine a company in the business of selling things insulting its buyers in this way. If they were saying (on national TV) that the bulk of their customers were women who didn't care about their children, they'd lose a lot of business.