Thursday, February 11, 2010

Amazing in Any Language

My new photo in the header is inspired by the sign language class which Little Guy and I are taking with our homeschool co-op.    

Our classes are every Monday for one hour each class.     We cover a LOT of words in each class.   They teach the words and corresponding signs and then we drill.     We are called up front to "pop" quiz us.   Below is Little Guy in one of our most recent classes doing the sign for friend.    In that class we covered all types of professional people:  nurse, doctor, lawyer, designer, computer programmer, teacher, principal, boss, firefighter, police officer.....  

Teaching takes a lot of patience, but teaching sign takes a great deal of patience because of how important performing each sign correctly is to communicating within the deaf community.   

I took this group photo for our yearbook.   Two of our class members were absent.     Each student is doing one of the signs we learned during that class.     It is amazing to me that this group of kids (and moms) walk into the room each week and when we walk out we know a minimum of 30 new signs.   

Little Guy adores his sign teachers and so do I.    They don't tease me too much when I make the same mistake twice!


By far, our sign class is a highlight of our homeschool year!


Dr. Wifey said...

cool! are the teachers volunteers and/or homeschool mothers?

Deanna said...

They are actual students from the college. Conducting the class is part of their requirement for graduation.

AM said...

Awesome! i have been teaching the kids in GB's class. Sadly I've had some changes at work and don't know when I'll be able to go back...and they were REALLY listening and learning!

Sharon said...

That is soooo cool, I love the pictures. A language we all need to learn as well!

Blessings to you my friend

black betty said...

too cool. way to go! :)

Crystal said...

Love the new header. The class sounds like a lot of fun. Learning to sign is on my list of things to learn, I've learned a few signs, but not as much as I would like. You and Little Guy are very inspiring!