.... of a white Christmas I should probably be a little more specific. I meant SNOW not sleet! Ha! Oh, well, the boys got what they wanted which was some time off of school. They didn't get the whole day, but half a day was good. They even played in that slushy mess. I hope they don't all wind up sick with pneumonia or worse.
The electricity was out at our house all day but fortunately Amusing allowed us to crash at her house. The boys played and played and played. Sitting by her fireplace all day made me really sleepy. I could have curled up on the floor with Sambo (her dog) and taken a nap with him. I swear Amusing is a SAINT! At one point during the afternoon I think there was 15 boys in her house. Half of them were dripping wet from playing in slush and half of them were tearing up her kitchen making hot chocolate. A SAINT! That beach picture on her blog? One day we are going to disappear and our kids aren't going to be able to find us and that is where we are going to be!!!
Here are a few pics of the kids playing...

Looks (and sounds) like a fun time was had by all! Amusing is a very brave woman, that many kids, yikes!
love it! those are great pics. the neighbors down the road from us build a snow labrador. it was the coolest looking ice dog i've ever seen.
kiudos to amusing for letting you crash! it's nice to have such great friends!!!
have a great friday!
Wow!! Looks like a fun day... if you don't care about feeling your extremities!
looks like they had a blast! love lil guy's crinkled up nose :0)
Great pictures! I'm jealous. My son's school did NOT let out early. By the time we got home yesterday evening, well. No fun time :(
Sounds like loads of fun!
Frosty the slush man is killing me!
It must be strange to live somewhere that a white Christmas is a rarity...
A saint??? Not quite! I am still finding mugs from the hot chocolate in REALLY random places!! haha
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