Some of you asked to see Big Guy's pentagon project. This is the model he made. He also had to do a 11 slide Power Point project that include all of the geometric aspects of the building as well as it was a project for his math class.
Fast Facts About The Pentagon (Yes, I Learned Something Too!)
* 200 acres of lawn that parks approximately 8,770 cars in 16 parking lots
* 4,200 clocks
* 691 water fountains
* 284 rest rooms
* consume 4,500 cups of coffee, 1,700 pints of milk and 6,800 soft drinks
* takes only seven minutes to walk between any two points in the building
* completed on Jan. 15, 1943 at an approximate cost of $83 million
* consolidated 17 buildings of the War Department
* The Pentagon has no marble because it was built during World War II, and Italy, the source of marble, was an enemy country.
That is amazing!! I am really impressed. I have to argue with the 7 minutes thing - that assumes you know where you are going. The offices are numbered kind of weird - according to wing, ring, and hall. The last time I went - my boss got the numbering mixed up and we wandered around that thing forever! ha.
that is very detailed! hope he got a 100+ for it
Impressive...I think you have an architect developing there.
wow! that's great!
I agree with everybody else and k's comment about the architect thing going. WhAT did he make it out of? It's amazing!
He made it totally out of paper. It is amazing the templates you can find on the internet!!
Very interesting! Is that per day on the coffee, cream, etc?
that's awesome!!!
Wow ... good job!
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