Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 5- A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life.

How can I possibly ever thank you for all you have done for me?
Your patience with me knows no ends.
I will never forget our first conversation.
I talked and talked and talked. You just listened.
Eventually I realized that you probably had something to say too.
When I realized how much you had to say I realized how little I should have been saying to begin with.
We have laughed together, cried together, and sometimes you have just sat beside me in silence.
There have been moments of total frustration and anger. You even let me express that too.
With you I am free to be myself and be accepted completely.
It took me a long time to realize just how much you cared about me.
How could I have doubted that?
I guess it was because I was so stubborn in finally sitting down and reading that beautiful letter you wrote me.
If I read it a thousand times I don't think I will ever begin to comprehend all the love that is expressed in that one letter.
But if I didn't have that letter, I could never doubt your love for me because you were willing to send your precious Son to die on a cross for my sins.     Until my own precious sons were born I couldn't comprehend just how heart-wrenching a sacrifice that was.
But now, I know how precious sons are.    You blessed me with two of my own.   We talk about them constantly.
I love you, my precious Savior!
You have changed my life forever.
Thank you could never be enough.


Patti Lacy said...


Thank you for kicking off my Labor DAY!!

Ruth said...

What a beautiful prayer to our Lord! Awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you letters are always between friends. And i know how one feels when you receive this letter. anyways thanks for sharing!

The JR said...

A beautiful thank you letter.