Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 8- Someone you think would make a good president.

When Little Guy was in second grade the presidential election was happening.     All the student were given the assignment to make campaign posters promoting themselves as "president".      They had to put reasons why people should vote for them on their posters.    All of the posters were hung in the hallways at school.       Little Guy wanted his to look like a real campaign poster so he used digital scrapbooking art and we printed it out at SAMS.        One of his teachers (who goes to church with us) started calling him the future president after that project and still calls him that today.

Would I want my Little Guy to be the president one day?     Only if that is what God wanted him to be.     I wouldn't wish that job on any person.      Being the president is really the ultimate peer pressure situation.    Everybody wants you to do things their way.    

I think someone who would make a good president is someone who will do things God's way.