I call this cartoon "OCD child abuse". It is funny, but sooo true. This is me (the child, not the parent). As soon as I read it I sent it to Amusing because I knew she would appreciate it. We have the same OCD issues.
The other night I was sitting on the couch and one of my socks was twisted sideways and I thought I was going to go nuts. My skin was crawling and I had to get it off!! When I was a little girl, my Daddy used to help us put on our Sunday socks and he did not understand my thing about socks. Little girl's socks have those seams across the toes. I would freak out if it wasn't straight across the toe and he would put on my shoe. AAAAUUUUGGGHHH! I still have nightmares about that.
My Big Guy has a thing about chewing. He can't stand the sound of people chewing. Creeps him out. My nephew hates people singing... especially girl's voices.
Hubs is funny about his clothing. He has to be hung on the hangers a certain way and nothing can be dried in the dryer. If things actually land on the bottom of the dryer then they have wrinkles. (He helps a lot with laundry because of this quirk.)
Last week when Shaffer was here he said that he likes to have his office very neat and organized and that his boss likes to antagonize him by coming in and moving things around on his desk. Not cool! That would drive me nuts!
What about you? What quirks do you have? Do you have any OCD tendencies?
i am pretty much anti-OCD! you would probably go nuts if you saw my desk right now. remember my post about hoarding? LOL
GB is like that. We had to buy her seamless socks for her to wear them. Her shoes have to be tied same length and in the middle and her hair....Lord!
The toilet paper must be hung with the paper going over the top of the roll--can't stand it coming from the bottom. (I also have the same quirk as you with my socks and Rebecca's socks.)
The first thing that comes to mind is my newspaper. I can't read it after someone else has. Even if they tried to get it all back in perfect order, it's just not the same.
My wife made some serious OCD comments about me just a few days ago. She is very much the complete opposite of me in this area; I think order scares her. Needless to say, this leads to issues for me ...
My son has a thing about socks on right too. He is worse than any of us.
I am rather disorganized. But I am bothered when I mistype something. My daughter has gained this too...as you read in my blog...she wants things to be right!
I was blessed to have an assistant that was able to balance my lack of organization with her ability to handle a piece of paper only once. I wish she was here in my life now!
The rug in my living room floor - if it gets a roll in it or gets crooked, it drives me nuts.
That's about the worst I get. Hubby, on the other hand, used to be a wreck. He still has some quirks that I don't think he'll ever break, but he's loosened up a lot since Mini-me and I became part of his life.
Aunt Julie is like the Big Guy. Chewing, gum, and especially the sound of crunchy foods being masticated drive her crazy! My youngest has inherited this quirk. Arghhhhhhh! BTW, Uncle Lynn decided to join the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival, so we're having an impromptu Pop'rs Giveaway this week!
My six year old feels your sock pain - she absolute hates her socks to be bunched up or the seam to be crooked. She also has very / EXTREMELY narrow feet so it's a problem if I don't buy stretchy, fitted socks :-)
Well when I get gas, it was to be a even number (in the money part), my husband on the other hand doesn't care. When my little girl was a baby, she had to have pacifier's that matched her outfits. It drove me crazy if they didn't match. Ha!......and the list goes on. Ha! Now I think that some of that has rubbed off on my little girl. She has to match everything by colors etc...and things littlest to biggest etc... :) Ha!
Thanks for sharing yours! :)
Ohh i am the same way with socks! so glad I'm not alone! :) And I'm weird about wrinkles in the bed sheets. When they touch my knee it drives me CRAZY!
I'm with Supermom about the newspaper, but I would have sworn that I was the only person in the world with that particular quirk! Thanks Supermom.
Okay, my first display of CDO is to correct your acronym. After all, CDO is OCD alphabetized, as it should be.
All of my CD's are alphabetized by the artist's name. I have close to 250 and when I add a new one, they must all be rearranged. I can never live with putting it at the back of the case in the already vacant slot.
I hate it when people do not push the chair BACK underneath the table after they are no longer seated in it. I have been known to take some heads off for that. Chairs under tables. I compulsively straighten them to be even on every side.
I can never get in the express line in the grocery store if my cart has just one item more than they limit you to.
And you thought you had problems. LOL
Having kids has definitely helped me loosen up on my perfectionist tendencies. I don't want my girls to feel like they have some impossible standard to live up to, so I let a lot more go than I used to!
My Red is OCD.. He does not like his shoelaces to touch the ground and will cry until I retie them !
I'm with the toilet paper comment (Tina) as well. It MUST go over the top and I will change it if it doesn't - no matter where I am.
And the hearing people chew? That's just manners!
I'm completely neurotic about the kitchen being clean before I go to bed at night. If Studly gets up and has a drink or a snack after I'm already in bed, I have to get up and go clean it up. Weird.
I'm also neurotic about making left turns when I drive. I will do the 3 rights make a left thing if given any option at all. Otherwise I hold my breath and close my eyes!
And spelling... spelling errors make me insane which is a real problem since the last 3 years I often type and speak inside out!
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