Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tender Hearts

In the last two days I have been reminded what tender hearted boys I am blessed to have. They have always been full of compassion for others and have always been so quick to take care of me anytime that I am not feeling well. However, sometimes they do things that surprise even me.

Big Guy has been dealing with a situation at school. It is going on at lunch. A kid who is driving him crazy. Finding it fun to pick on him, tease him, shove him, etc... Yesterday when I picked him up from school he mentioned that this same kid didn't have any lunch money that day. "Mom, I'm glad I took my lunch because I was able to just share mine with him." I sat there kind of stunned. It never occurred to him not to share his lunch. He saw someone hungry and his heart just wanted to help. It didn't matter what all this person had done to him. I am not sure if I could have done the same thing. I hope so, but I am just not sure.

And then this afternoon after school the boys were outside playing in their favorite tree. They were both climbing and apparently Big Guy was in an awkward position when they started tussling. At some point, Big Guy said, "No.", but Little Guy thought he was still playing and Big Guy wound up falling out of the tree. He scratched his stomach but wasn't really hurt. Little Guy was so upset that he came in with his lip quivering and explained what happened and how upset he was and then he lifted his shirt... he had scratched his stomach too because he felt so bad about hurting his brother. When Big Guy saw what he had done he grabbed him up in a hug and said, "Oh man, you shouldn't have done that. Let's go play." (That is pretty big talk for brothers!)

I don't know what others see when they look at my boys, but when I look at them I see hearts like Jesus.


Dr. Wifey said...

and a heart like their mother's!

K Storm said...

Some things are learned by example...

Carrie said...

I agree with Wifey and KStorm.

Such sweeties!

AM said...

they are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm chiming in with they've learned it from their mom.... You have a beautiful heart, Deanna, and they've learned by your example...

mayberry said...

What great kids with great parents!

From the Doghouse said...

That's just too awesome!

And there's no telling what kind of impact your boy made on that bully by sharing with him.

Taylor & Krisa said...

You must be doing something right to raise such awesome boys!

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

I see to boys with hearts for the Lord, thanks to the example of their parents!!
What an awesome story...Big Guy sharing his lunch.
Good job, to you, as a parent.

black betty said...

wow...i didn't wear my waterproof mascara today. they are awesome.

Deanna said...

My sweet husband is a wonderful example of compassion in our family. He is the most selfless person I know. I try, but I am humbled by all three of my boys.