Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break Is.... Lonely With No Girls

Poor toy basket.     Doesn't it look lonely?    It is so sad with no sweet girls to play with them.

We miss them too!   We are addicted to our Monday morning playtime with MM and LK.

But most of all we miss their hugs, kisses and snuggles....


甜蜜滋味 said...
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Tracey said...

Love that last picture - so sweet!!

Katherine said...

what sweet pictures!!! My favorite one is the last one. =)

Deanna said...

The last picture is my favorite one too. Little Guy was on the floor there watching a science show and MM just backed in and sat down with him. She got all comfy and snuggled with him to watch too!

black betty said...

look at those eyes!!!! do they need some pics taken??? :)


Patti Lacy said... you babysit these girls? I guess I'd missed that. Don't know how!


Shelby said...


I cannot believe the spectacular blue the girls' eyes are. I have blue eyes but boy, oh boy, theirs are enchanting!