Friday, February 27, 2009

Foto Friday

This morning my husband said the most precious words ever!    "Honey, I think it may be time to buy you a new computer."    *swoon*    I would have literally attacked him with kisses if I hadn't been talking to him on the phone.     I had called him to tell him that my computer is having problems AGAIN and that I needed to take it BACK to my trusty computer guy.   
So while I am checking email on our home computer I decided to see what photos I could post for Foto Friday.   I found this from VBS a few years ago.    It is hubs and Little Guy.    I remember that our VBS was in the evening and hubs would drive home from work, change clothes and we would head to church.   Little Guy didn't get his Daddy time so every night during the opening ceremonies he had to sit with his Daddy before he could let go to enjoy the rest of the night.
Big Guy's favorite part of VBS was crafts.   He has always been a perfectionist and took his time doing everything that Mrs. Tina told him to do.    Below is a pic I took of him working on one of his pieces of art. 

Wow!    The boys have grown since then!     I hope you guys have a great weekend.    Enjoy the time with your children.      Time FLIES!


K Storm said...

Those are sweet pictures. I can see the concentration going on at the crafts station! My oldest is the same way.

Dr. Wifey said...

sweet pictures!

Carrie said...

My husband would be getting more than kisses, ifyaknowutimsayin...

Felicia said...

Looking at past and present pictures of the boys I'm reminded of how much they have grown. Especially Little Guy. I'm wondering if I would recognize Big Guy if we walked up on each other. 3 years is a long time and a lot of growing.

Buckaroo Banzai said...

Life is Good t-shirts. I proudly own three!

Buzzard Roost Babe said...

Love VBS ! It is a great thing for my boys too. Oh, Your boys have grown a lot.