Today is Ash Wednesday and it begins the season referred to as Lent. Because I did not grow up in and am not a part of a church that observes Lent, it wasn't until I was an adult that I became aware of this "season" in some churches.
I have come to appreciate Lent as a very personal experience in my life. January and February have already flown by so quickly. Days are crazy. I don't want the time leading up to Easter to be gobbled up with that same craziness. I believe Lent gives us that extra nudge and reminder to slow down.
Typically during Lent you are asked to give up something as a sacrifice (or a constant reminder) for the 40 days. Someone I love is giving up fast food. Another person is giving up coffee. Still another is giving up all sugar. These are things that mean something to them. Things that they think about everyday. Things that if they give up they will "hurt" without and therefore be reminded of Jesus' sacrifice for us and constantly be reminded of the Easter season.
Me? I am giving up soft drinks. Seems like such a wimpy sacrifice compared to the one that Jesus made for me.
How about you? Have you ever given up anything for Lent? Have you ever made a sacrifice to keep your heart and thoughts focused on the Journey to the Cross?
There are 40 days to the cross... turn your eyes upon Jesus.
I have so much I need to give up. Permanently. I don't even know where to start most days.
Bless you sweetie.
I used to practice lent every year.. usually chocolate... and like may, I need to work on too many things, perhaps it's a good time to focus on giving up one thing!
Yes, we need to slow down and "set ourselves" to delight in Him and remember all He did for us. He is so good to us.
Have a wonderful season.
Jennifer B
Breathtaking! I have so much heart work to do in the next 40 days. I want to prepare my heart for the celebration of Easter.
Happy WFW!
A couple of years ago, I decided that in addition to giving up something, I would also do something to help me grow spiritually. This year, I'm giving up coffee because I'm addicted, and because I could get the same energy from exercising.
Fabulous text in a wonderful photo setting!
I have a cousin who gave up soft drinks for Lent one year and never regained her taste for them. I haven't really prepared my heart to give up anything starting today, but I guess I could start anytime, really in the one thing I do need to give up. We'll see.
Beautiful WFW by the way.
Happy Word-Filled-Wednesday! Thanks for such a thought-provoking post.
I just want to focus more on Him and less on me.
What a beautiful post. The picture you chose is just magnificent.
I have a friend giving up Facebook for Lent...
When I was in college and had friends with different backgrounds I became aware of Lent. I have given up chocolate and soft drinks before. I have been praying about what to give up. I think putting limits on my computer time is it. My marriage would benefit from turning the computer off by 9:30.
i did not grow up practicing lent either. a few years ago i gave up soft drinks while I was reading the Purpose Driven Life. maybe i will give them up for Lent (as soon as i finish the one i literally just opened!)
We don't practice Lent, but love the sacrifice for Him. Recently a did a fast off of sweets for 21 days, may He do a wonderful work in your life this Lent season.
I grew up Catholic, so we always did Lent. Meatless Fridays, Soup & Bread at the church on Wednesdays, and always chose something to give up.
Once I stepped away from the Catholic church, I slowly moved away from that.
This year, I'm not giving up anything, but I am doing a progressive fast on Sundays--6 hours the 1st week, 9 the 2nd, 12 the 3rd & so on until Good Friday, then a 24 hour fast. I'm scared, because I've never done a full day fast before, but God will help me prepare and give me strength.
I'm also using Lent as a time to help me with discipline. I feel like I've been very undisciplined at everything the last few months. I'm working on spiritual, financial, and educational discipline. Basically everything. " ) GAH! I should probably just pick one or I might go insane. buh buh buh buhbuh
There is so much to give up. Mine is chocolate.
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! I love the scripture! We do not practice Lent. But my son and I have been reading through the story of Jesus's arrest this week. His sacrifice never ceases to amaze me. It is a love I will never understand.
Wow! What a gorgeous WFW! I have never personally practiced Lent, but I've always had such respect for those who did. Your post has me thinking about it this year...praying about what God might have me give up. Thank you for sharing this!
Wow that is beautiful.
And I love that verse...to see the Beauty of the Lord...what a thought.
I too did not know about Lent until I was an adult...i am still research and finding out more about it. :)
Blessings to you today.
that picture and text is beautiful. thank you.
Beautiful. I have never given up anything for lent, but I'm pondering it now. Guess I'd better hurry. Happy WFW
Thank you so much for sharing that lovely verse & photo. As for giving up something... needs some thought, I think!
I adore the photo you use for your WFW and what a sweet but powerful message!
I grew up in a church that observed lent .. My church I attend now does not. It was really a shock to my system when I joined my church now ,that lent was not part of their ritual... I had to remind myself it was my conviction to observe this very special time of they year.. I have given up soft drinks most of the time since the first of the year, so I am giving up it totally for lent. Oh did I mention since I gave up the soda I am down 17 lbs ... I am think of adding chocolate to the sodas that I am giving up... That could be dangerous...
I want to take this time to thank you for all you do to keep us focused on where we should be focused.
I grew up in a church that didn't practice Lent either. Like K Storm, I have a friend who is giving up Facebook for Lent! I think if I was going to participate, it would probably be computer related as well!
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