I am thinking... school projects and semester exams really dampen my Christmas spirit.
I am thankful for... the true reason of the season: Jesus!
From the kitchen... grilled chicken tenderloins and baked macaroni and cheese. It is cold outside so it makes me want comfort food.
I am wearing... blue jeans and a crimson thermal Alabama shirt. Oh, yes, it is Alabama. Just because my team didn't win Saturday doesn't mean I am not a fan. Roll Tide Roll.
I am creating... a new Christmas card address list. I have no idea what I did with my 2008 list, but I must have tossed it in one of my "organizing" frenzies.
I am going... to try to wrap up all of my Christmas presents so I can double check and make sure I am not missing anything or anyone.
I am reading... "Boomtown". It is a children's book which was sent to me from Thomas Nelson Publishing for me to review.
I am hoping... that MK and LK keep eating so that they can come home very soon from the hospital.
I am hearing... the sounds of Good Morning America, the coffee pot and the voices of the boys as the get ready for school.
Around the house... beds to be made, laundry to be washed, and lots of Christmas decorations to just sit and look at!
One of my favorite things... snuggling with my boys right after their shower!
A few plans for the rest of the week: drive my sister to the NICU to feed MK and LK (i.e. snuggle my sweet nieces!), attend a jewelry party at Amusing's house, shop for an outfit for hubs' Christmas party, and check my list and check it twice!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
This is Little Guy and Big Guy last year at Christmas time. They are pictured here on the balcony of Village Confections on the Square in Canton. Yes, that is a black eye that Little Guy is sporting. He got that go-cart riding at my parent's house over the Thanksgiving holidays and it was such a whopper that he still had it when this picture was taken.
Deanna, I completely hear you on the school stuff throwing a damper on the holiday mood. I'm grateful, though, that here at least they end the semester before the holidays so there aren't exams to study for during the break. It wasn't that way with the older 3 kids and "winter break" (I really hate that) wasn't a lot of fun.
Can I come have dinner with you?
If you happen to find your old Christmas card address list, tell me where you found it because mine is among the missing in action as well!
Presents? Check! That was a great side benefit of drastically cutting back this year!
I'm reading Greg Laurie's "The God of the Second Chance" (or something like that) and really getitng a lot from it. WHY does Christian fiction have to cost so much more than secular fiction?
Oooo, the babies! How are they??? Any new pics?
Your kids are so adorable.
I LOVE Christmas pictures with black eyes. I also love Christmas pictures with missing teeth...
Heck... i love CHristmas pictures.
i did not realize the nieces were in NICU. *prayers for them*
sounds like you have a lot going on! have a great day :)
you had me until the alabama comment... ;P
the boys are just precious! i am also thankful for the true meaning of the season.
prayers ascending for those babies!!! god bless them. you're the best, deanna. have a great monday!! xoxo
I like this post today...
We haven't made it up to Canton yet...I am craving one of Village Confections petit fours.
Ok first of all two questions: 1. Will you please cook me some supper tonight? and 2. Will you wrap my gifts too? =)
Hope the babies get to come home soon. My cousin and his wife had twins as well, on November 1. They were 10 weeks early both weighing in at 2 lbs 12 oz. They should be getting to come home Wednesday as they are both over 4 lbs now. WOOHOO!
Hope everything turns out OK with the babies.
And can I eat any of the leftovers?
Cute picture! I love your posts--they're always so heart warming and uplifting! I hope you have a wonderful Monday and that you have fun holding those little babies!
I am jealous that you get to hold those sweet babies. I was so happy that I got to see them Saturday.
Sigh. I'm seriously behind on Christmas preparations.
prayers that the babies make it home SOON!
Prayers for the girls!
I'm praying for the Girl's, wow I know how that feels when the boy's were in the Children Hospital.
I love your list, and the boy's are so handsome.
I haven't told you yet, but I like your blog layout. :)
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