Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Things That Make You Say "OOOOOO!"

* When hubs walked through the door he grabbed me up and gave me an "I'm glad to be home kiss!". Not one of those perfunctory kisses that often become routine when your husband comes home. This was a curl your toes, make you want to send your kids to bed early kind of kiss. In the middle of enjoying Hubs attention, Little Guy comes walking down the hallway just chatting away in his own world. He stops short when he spots us and says, "OOOOO! I didn't just see that! Why do you guys have to do that? (Covering his eyes...) Tell me when it is over. Please just stop. Soooo gross!"

* File this under WOOOOO HOOOOO! I challenged hubs to a race at the pool tonight. Hubs is 6 foot 5 inches and athletic from head to toe. Me... not so much. But, I do like to swim so I decided that it would be fun. Little Guy gave us our starting splash and we were off. I swam with every muscle I had and I won.

* While still at the pool I was swimming around and playing with Little Guy. Hubs was off swimming laps. At one point while chasing Little Guy under water I spotted hubs off in the distance. I decided I would swim up under him and give him a little "flash". Just as I got up to him I realized it wasn't him. OOOOOPS! So glad I realized that BEFORE I flashed him.

Have I ever mentioned that there is never a dull moment around here?


Dr. Wifey said...

Delete! Delete! lol Little Guy has seen a lot in the past couple of days :o)

good job beating hubs, that is always fun na-na-na-na-na-na

Wilson said...

HA! That's hilarious. So glad you didn't flash someone else.

Webmaster said...

Everyday romance ... so much fun.

mayberry said...

I love kisses like that. And the ones from out of the blue - those are really nice.

Carrie said...

I'm dying here!

I think you may have some exhibitionistic tendencies...haha

Miss Mud Puddle said...

Give him some pinwheels!

Style Expert said...

I miss those kinds of are so funny.